Secure Streaming with Video DRM

Secure Streaming Across Platforms with Multi-DRM Support

Enable DRM protection for your videos with a single click

End-to-end Video Protection Suite with Dynamic Watermarking, Password Protection and more.
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Streaming secure videos for


How does Video DRM work?

Video DRM technology protects your video content by applying encryption and decryption techniques and restricting playback on unauthorized devices and users.

How does Video DRM work?

Why DRM Protection for your Online Videos?

Restrict Screen Recording

Prevent Screen Recording on Android & iOS devices. With DRM Encryption, ensure your video content isn't captured & shared illegally, even through rooted devices.

Protect Intellectual Property

Your videos are your creation. DRM technology acts like a digital vault, protecting your videos from unauthorized redistribution. This ensures your work remains original and retains its value.

Guard Revenue Streams

Guard your revenue streams by ensuring only your paying viewers can access your videos. Stop illegal copying & video distribution with our DRM protection.

Prevent Video Piracy

DRM technology significantly discourages pirates and prevents your videos from being illegally shared online.

Benefits of Video DRM

Multi-DRM via Google Widevine & Apple Fairplay DRM


Fairplay DRM

Secure your videos for Apple devices with FairPlay DRM, an industry-standard solution for DRM video streaming. Restrict unauthorized playback, downloads or screen recording of your DRM-protected video content.


Widevine DRM

Guard your videos on Android and other platforms with Widevine DRM, a leading solution for DRM video streaming. Ensure only authorized users view your DRM-protected video, preventing downloads or screen-recording.

Multi-layered video protection

Dynamic watermarking

Embeds unique identifiers within videos, deterring screen recording and aiding content tracking.

Dynamic Watermarking

Signed URLs and allowed referrers

Restricts video playback to authorized websites or apps, preventing unauthorized embedding.

Signed Urls and Allowed Referrers

Password protection

Restricts access with an extra layer of security, requiring a password for users to view your videos.

Password Protected Videos


Limits video playback to specific geographical locations, ensuring content reaches the intended audience.


Frequently asked questions

Explore Pricing

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