YouTube Demonetization: Tips for Content Creators

YouTube demonetization can be a major blow to content creators, but there are steps you can take to avoid it. In this blog post, we'll share some tips on how to avoid YouTube demonetization, as well as what to do if your videos are demonetized.

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YouTube Demonetization: Tips for Content Creators

What is YouTube Demonetization?

YouTube demonetization occurs when a YouTube channel's videos are considered ineligible for displaying ads, resulting in a loss of potential revenue for the content creator. This typically happens when content violates YouTube's rigorous advertiser-friendly content guidelines.

The impact of YouTube demonetization on content creators is multi-faceted:

  • Firstly, the absence of ad revenue can result in significant direct financial loss, particularly for creators relying heavily on this income source to sustain their channels and cover production costs.
  • Secondly, creators may face challenges in maintaining their creativity, as they might feel compelled to adapt their content to align with advertiser-friendly criteria. This could ultimately hinder their artistic expression and authenticity.
  • Thirdly, the absence of ads can impact a channel's perceived professionalism and credibility, potentially influencing audience perception.
  • Lastly, channels that undergo demonetization will likely receive less favorable treatment from YouTube's algorithm, reducing visibility in users' feeds, search results, and recommendations. This could impede channel growth and restrict the expansion of the creator's audience.

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What is YouTube Demonetization Policy?

YouTube's demonetization policy is essentially a rulebook—a set of guidelines—designed to safeguard both content creators and advertisers. The goal is to prevent advertisers from associating their brand with content that could be considered unsuitable, controversial, or potentially harmful.

To be eligible for ad revenue and participate in the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), creators must adhere to the platform's Advertiser-Friendly Content Guidelines. These guidelines are designed to ensure that content is suitable for advertisements and maintains a level of quality and appropriateness. If a channel is found to violate these guidelines, it can face penalties—which includes demonetization.

Topics that are not advertiser-friendly

Here's looking at the factors that can potentially lead to YouTube demonetization:

Violations of Community Guidelines

When you upload a video, YouTube's automated systems and sometimes human reviewers evaluate whether your content adheres to their advertiser-friendly Community Guidelines and AdSense Google Publisher Policy. These guidelines encompass explicit language, violence, controversial subjects, and more. If your video is found to breach these guidelines, it may be demonetized. This means ads won't be displayed on your video, and you won't earn revenue from it.

This pertains to using content that you don't own the rights to. If your video uses copyrighted material (music, clips, or other creative works) without proper permission or falls under fair use guidelines, it might lead to demonetization. For instance, uploading a video with a famous song playing in the background without obtaining the rights to use it can result in demonetization.

Controversial or Sensitive Content

'Controversial' refers to content that is unsettling for viewers and often involves human tragedies. 'Sensitive' content includes significant social, cultural, or political incidents like natural disasters, terrorism, public health emergencies, etc. If your video is found to be exploiting a recent tragic event for shock value and views rather than providing valuable insights, it can be demonetized. However, if you are an authoritative news source or if you are posting documentary videos about historic events for educational reasons, you should be fine.

Misleading Titles and Thumbnails

This refers to using clickbait tactics with video titles and thumbnails that misrepresent your video's content. For instance, sensational thumbnails where you use shocking images that are unrelated to the content. Similarly, highly sexualized content in titles, thumbnails, or themes is not suitable for monetization.

Violence or Harmful or Adult Content

Content focused on violence, injury, or explicit themes can be demonetized since YouTube aims to provide a safe environment for viewers and advertisers. So, this could include graphic violence (showing blood or gore without educational or documentary value) or adult content (using explicit themes in titles, thumbnails, or the video itself, unrelated to a genuine topic).

How do I avoid YouTube Demonetization?

Here's a straightforward guide to keep your content monetization-friendly:

  1. Content Creation Best Practices: When creating your videos, stick to YouTube's demonetization rules—that's no hateful speech, inappropriate language, explicit language, excessive violence, controversial themes, or content that doesn't add value. Strive for quality and authenticity by producing unique and valuable content that resonates with the target audience. Your content should not be misrepresentative or misleading with its titles/thumbnails.
  2. Proper Handling of Copyrighted Material: Respect copyrights and only use content you have the rights to, or content that falls under fair use guidelines. If you're using copyrighted music, video clips, or other creative works, make sure you have the necessary permissions/licenses or that your usage qualifies as fair use. If you're unsure, it's best to seek permission or use royalty-free/Creative Commons-licensed content to avoid any copyright issues that could lead to demonetization.
  3. Navigating Sensitive Topics: When dealing with sensitive or controversial subjects, adopt a respectful approach and provide thoughtful context/insights. For instance, if you're discussing human tragedies or complex issues, focus on adding value and understanding, rather than sensationalizing for shock value or views. Stay away from excessive violence, gore, or any content that could be distressing without valid context. A good idea is to use trigger warnings at the beginning of your video while discussing sensitive topics.
  4. Transparent Disclosure and Responsible Advertising: It's impossible to be transparent with your audience about sponsorships, endorsements, affiliate links, or any other paid promotions in your videos. This builds trust and ensures your content adheres to YouTube's AdSense policies. Also, be cautious about content that could mislead viewers or advertisers, as this can result in demonetization.

What Should I Do if YouTube Demonetizes My Video?

While YouTube allows creators to earn through their Partner Program, videos can be wrongly demonetized due to automated filters. If this happens to you, there are a few steps you can follow to review and appeal the demonetization.

Review the Reason for Demonetization

First things first, start by examining the reason your video was demonetized. Spend time and diligently review if you haven't accidentally crossed any content guidelines. Keep an eye out for any sensitive topics you might have touched upon, any inappropriate language, or explicit content you may have incorporated in your videos.

One of the most common reasons YouTube demonetization occurs is due to the impermissible use of copyrighted material, so double-check if you're using copyrighted material in your video.

Also, pay particular attention to your video's title, thumbnail, and description. These are also subject to evaluation by YouTube's algorithm, so ensuring their alignment with guidelines is crucial.

Seek Community Feedback

If you're unsure whether your video's content aligns with YouTube's guidelines, consider seeking input from your community. Sometimes, fellow creators or viewers might spot something you missed. So, don't hesitate to ask for feedback and insights from your audience—it can shed light on potential issues that triggered the demonetization.

How to Appeal the Decision?

While YouTube's automated filters aim to uphold content standards, they're not foolproof. So, after you've conducted your own research and found no violation of YouTube's demonetization guidelines, it's best to contact YouTube and appeal the decision by requesting a human review.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Locate the demonetized video in your Video Manager.
  • Select "Request review."
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate a human review.
  • YouTube will assign an employee to assess your video manually.

Following this, watch your Video Manager for updates on the review's status. The request review process will require a human review of your content, allowing human judgment to override the algorithm's decision. The reviewer will review your content, title, thumbnail, description, and tags. The manual review will restore your video's monetization status if your content is suitable for monetization.

Remember, appealing to demonetization isn't something you should do on a whim. If you repeatedly appeal without success, YouTube might take a closer look at your channel as a whole. So, before you jump into the appeal process, make sure you've done your homework and your video aligns with their guidelines.

Long-Term Strategies for Monetization Stability

Let's dive into some long-term strategies to ensure stable monetization for your YouTube channel:

Diversifying Income Streams

While YouTube's ad revenue is significant, it should be just one piece of the puzzle. The goal is to build a multifaceted income structure that doesn't solely depend on the platform. This will mitigate the impact of fluctuations in ad revenue and YouTube's ever-evolving advertising algorithms.

Here are a few avenues to consider, all while keeping your content on YouTube:

  • Diversify with Affiliate Partnerships: Promote products from third parties and earn a commission on sales.
  • Look for Sponsorship deals: Partner with brands that align with your content to get sponsorship deals. Then, you can get paid to create content featuring their products or services.
  • Create Your Own Merchandise Line: Capitalize on your unique brand by developing and selling merchandise related to your content.
  • Offer YouTube Channel Memberships: Elevate your relationship with your most devoted fans by offering exclusive paid memberships. This can include perks like badges, custom emojis, and members-only content.
  • Explore Donations and Patreon: Connect with your audience more personally by asking for donations. Platforms like Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee are great ways to do this.

Building a loyal subscriber base

Remember, you need a substantial subscriber base to effectively create an income source beyond the confines of YouTube's monetization algorithm. Engaged subscribers are more likely to support you on platforms like Patreon, buy your products, or attend your virtual events. So, focus on growing your subscriber count with engaging content that keeps viewers coming back. The more reliable your viewership, the more confident you can be in your long-term monetization prospects.

Staying informed about YouTube's policies

In the ever-changing world of YouTube, being well-versed in the platform's policies is essential. Watch for updates on Community Guidelines, AdSense Google Publisher Policy, and any monetization-related announcements. This will help you adapt your content strategy proactively and avoid pitfalls that might lead to demonetization.


Demonetization can impact creators on multiple fronts, from direct financial losses to challenges in maintaining creative authenticity. This is why it's crucial to understand YouTube's demonetization policy and the factors that can trigger it. The key to success lies in proactively curating content that aligns with YouTube's guidelines while exploring diverse monetization avenues.


How do I monetize my YouTube channel after demonetization?

To regain monetization after demonetization, address the issues that led to demonetization in the first place. If your channel was demonetized due to Community Guidelines or copyright strikes, your first step is to appeal these strikes. Consider making the necessary changes to align your content with YouTube's policies. If you cannot resolve the issues immediately, YouTube might still reinstate monetization on your channel after some time. Typically, this waiting period is around 3 months.

Do demonetized videos make money?

No, demonetized videos do not make money since they can not display ads; thus, you won't earn any ad revenue. If your video is demonetized, YouTube can

  • Withhold your content earnings
  • Deduct amounts from your upcoming earnings
  • Restrict ad revenue generated by your videos
  • Pause your involvement in the YouTube Partner Program
  • Temporarily suspend or permanently terminate your YouTube channel

Does demonetization affect my video's visibility in searches and recommendations?

Yes, channels that undergo demonetization can potentially receive less favorable treatment from YouTube's algorithm, reducing visibility in users' feeds, search results, and content recommendations. This could consequently hamper channel growth and limit the creator's audience.

How long does it take for YouTube to review an appeal?

Once you've submitted your appeal, you can expect YouTube to provide a decision within 14 days. If your appeal is successful, your channel will either be approved or re-approved for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). You can anticipate monetization being re-enabled within 30 days.

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