Stream Key

A stream key is a code that analyzes the source of an audio/video streaming request before allowing the stream to play on the respective website or application.

What is a Stream key?

A stream key is a code that analyzes the source of an audio/video streaming request before allowing the stream to play on the respective website or application.

What is the stream key used for?

  • Every streaming service has its unique stream key or authorization key given to its users for the safety and privacy of their accounts.
  • Using this special code, the streaming platform communicates with end-user devices or websites before it sends their content to be streamed.
  • It prevents unauthorized users from streaming, illegally distributing, or leaking premium content.

How to find your stream key on YouTube?

  • Enable live streaming on your YouTube channel.
  • Go to Youtube Stream Dashboard > Stream Settings
  • Copy the hidden stream key generated by YouTube

How to find your stream key on Facebook?

  • Go to Facebook homepage > Live Video > Live Producer > Get Started section
  • Click on the option Use Stream Key
  • Copy the Stream Key generated by Facebook (valid for 5 hours until broadcast)

How to find your stream key on Twitch?

  • Go to the Creator Dashboard on your Twitch account
  • Click on Preferences > Channel
  • Find the stream key at the top
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